Community Strengthening
GSF’s Margaret Attwood Grant Round seeks to support small grass roots projects that deliver big impact for our community!
Applications to the Margaret Attwood Grant Round open annually, generally in April or May. Funding may be awarded to not-for-profit organisations for projects that positively impact the people they support; address an immediate or unmet need; and meet the GSF funding criteria; and align with our vision. Funding criteria can be viewed here. Some of the local projects that were awarded funding during the 2024 grant round -

Horses For Hope
Horses for Hope will utilise the funds for the upgrades required to create a welcoming and warm accessible therapy space for its Equine-Assisted therapy that brings humans and horses together in a healing environment.

Much Needed Food Staples
Shepparton Foodshare received funding to purchase food staples that are in short supply. This vital local service has experienced an unprecedented need for food relief this year and distributed a record 490,000 kilograms of food. It relies of food donations and rescues; this grant will assist them to keep up with the increased demand.

Social Innovators Program
Crazy Ideas College project received funding to conduct the 2025 Crazy Ideas College Shepparton Social Innovators program. This program sees young people supported to voice their ideas, uncover great ideas for our community and to feel confident about making their mark on the world.

Community Unity
GV Afghan Youth Association received funds to development and deliver its Ramadan Ifta Dinner on March 15, 2025. This initiative will share the tradition of coming together at Ramadan in the spirit of community unity, generosity and celebration of diversity, food and culture.

Connecting Hopes
Umjoa Empowerment Group for its Clean People Connecting Hopes project. Specifically, funds will assist with the start-up costs of the project that aims to improve community inclusion and increase opportunities for refugees.
Past projects supported during 2023
Shepparton Festival
Shepparton Festival held an outdoor photography/multimedia exhibition telling the lesser-heard stories of people in Greater Shepparton impacted by the 2022 floods.
Umoja Empowerment Group
Umoja engaged professional training across governance, finance and project development.
Kialla Golf Club
The Golf Club undertook electricity connection upgrades required following the floods.
Neighbourhood House Murchison
Funds supported IT and computer classes for 1.5 hours per week for the Murchison community.
Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project
Funds supported the work in activating Mobilising Mooroopna – Building Stronger Together.
Funds contributed to the delivery of its annual ASHEFEST event.
Crazy Ideas College (CIC)
CIC utilised the funds for its Shepparton Social Innovators Program that was delivered in secondary schools in Greater Shepparton.
Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District
Ethnic Council completed digital literacy and safety training for non-English speaking people from CALD communities.
GV Seniors Association
Funds supported the association’s work to overcome loneliness, social isolation and develop friendships and fun through an event during Senior’s month at the Queens Gardens.
Rotary Club of South Shepparton
Funds contributed to the second stage of development and construction of an intergenerational play space for young children at Tarcoola.
Wise Well Women
Funds supported the continuation of the professional development for Community Health Educator (CHE) trainees that puts recent training in to practice.
South Shepparton Community Centre
Funds enabled the Community Centre to host free community lunches as an access point to connect people into services including mental health and wellbeing advice, hearing checks, legal advice and aging well.